Slide 7 in this series.
Do draughts get worse given such experts as Gov Brown? The answer is no. In fact if the oceans warm even a little due to increases in IRGs then more moisture is in the atmosphere and one would expect more rains. It is also worth noting that the IPCC models do not predict rainfall at all well.
What we see below is that draughts are indeed being reduced as we see a slight warming period.
NEXT: we examine the polar bear population given that their demise has been greatly exaggerated.
The rnage of predictions that made seemingly each week on the impact of AGW are too numerous to detail in this website. Some however are captured here and the links below are those highlights.
Add this to your personal list. Be most discerning in the future to be quite critical in your analysis. If the words "worse than we thought" are used be especially skeptical.