Slide 2 of this series.
The Paris Accord is an attempt to saddle the industrialized nations, perhaps mostly the USA, with very costly reductions in CO2 emissions. In the USA this would require almost 50% more reduction. This would require an extensive reduction in fossil fuels and likewise in the economy. Clean energy is but a few % and cannot sustain energy in any category.
Couple that with the requirement that countries like the USA contribute huge sums of money to a fund to benefit developing countries. Firthermore China and India can emit CO2 to their hearts' content until 2030 when they are not necessarily bound by any agreements they will uphold. With the growth of new coal plants in many of these countries including Germany, one can become quite cynical about this accord. Wiat it gets worse.
What are the impacts of this Accord?
We should revisit occasionally what the proper role of government is. As the constitution was a good sense of direction, we need a core set of principles to add in order to deal with the future.
So many want to engineer society, remove risk, assist certain groups, rather than let individuals thrive and raise communities. Why?
Is Democracy where we all "get it good and hard" or is it the best means to a free society?
Should we roll with the special interests, or make the government achieve its proper role, what is that role, and how to do this?
When do deficits and governments become too large?
Government is becoming more elitist while trying to sell corrections to problems it created, what makes this possible?
This section covers the Paris Accord in all of its aspects.