Carbon Dioxide in Not the Primary Cause of Global Warming: The Future Can Not Cause the Past

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Paper by Allan M.R. MacRae, Calgary Alberta Canada

IceCap Article Link


Despite continuing increases in atmospheric CO2, no significant global warming occurred in the last decade, as confirmed by both Surface Temperature and satellite measurements in the Lower Troposphere.  Contrary to IPCC fears of catastrophic anthropogenic global warming,  Earth may now be entering another natural cooling trend.  Earth Surface Temperature warmed approximately 0.7 degrees Celsius from ~1910 to ~1945, cooled ~0.4 C from ~1945 to ~1975, warmed ~0.6 C from ~1975 to 1997, and has not warmed significantly from 1997 to 2007.


CO2 emissions due to human activity rose gradually from the onset of the Industrial Revolution, reaching ~1 billion tonnes per year (expressed as carbon) by 1945, and then accelerated to ~9 billion tonnes per year by 2007. Since ~1945 when CO2 emissions accelerated, Earth experienced ~22 years of warming, and ~40 years of either cooling or absence of warming. 


The IPCC’s position that increased CO2 is the primary cause of global warming is not supported by the temperature data.  In fact, strong evidence exists that disproves the IPCC’s scientific position.  This UPDATED paper and Excel spreadsheet show that variations in atmospheric CO2 concentration lag (occur after) variations in Earth’s Surface Temperature by ~9 months.  The IPCC states that increasing atmospheric CO2 is the primary cause of global warming - in effect, the IPCC states that the future is causing the past.  The IPCC’s core scientific conclusion is illogical and false.



There is strong correlation among three parameters: Surface Temperature ("ST"), Lower Troposphere Temperature ("LT") and the rate of change with time of atmospheric CO2 ("dCO2/dt"). For the time period of this analysis, variations in ST lead (occur before) variations in both LT and dCO2/dt, by ~1 month. The integral of dCO2/dt is the atmospheric concentration of CO2 ("CO2").


ST and LT anomalies have been multiplied by 4 for visual clarity. See full size image here. See UPDATED paper here

Allan M.R. MacRae, B.A.Sc., M.Eng., is a Professional Engineer.


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