Form of a Request to Engage

The request to join is intended mostly for skeptics to become active in promoting open science (openS).  As such it is open to anyone who wants to explore these ideas in a rational and scientific manner.   The list of topics also includes some more political issues as well as the scientific ones.  These political ones can also use a good dose of those who are political advocates of a more alarmist point of view.   The latter however cannot become a slugfest in comments, but for anyone who would join and contribute it would be necessary for all to use facts and not polemics to make a case.

So we request that all lean in and understand how they might add value first to themselves and to the general intent of having a rational discussion based on gaining understanding and doing the best we can. Let us know your thoughts after you have studied the materials and then answer the question what can they do to add positive value and explore ideas.

(Note:  the general intent is to concentrate on the skeptics as contributors, but to also make connections to those who might become skeptical in the process.)

 It is our duty as citizens to examine this subject of climate and all of the policy and political ideas carefully.  For the future we leave our kids depends on our diligence.

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