What is the nature of the Opportunity 

There is a great opportunity here, given how badly the climate science has been explained to the general public, and how poorly the skeptics have organized.  There are a variety of audiences that can be reached which can sway the awareness of how the climate works and how claims being made are to be examined more carefully.   The lack of a suitable response to the DAGW campaign is most apparent.  The substance is already there, for the most part, but not in a manner that the public can use.  Listen to any long video or look at a book by skeptics, it is very difficult to see many understanding climate, especially with a linear long flow.  Because of the complexity of the material many more questions arise than are answered.  Many when they experience these videos they might feel more curious and a slight amount of confidence on being a skeptic.  But when the first challenge comes along either with a question they cannot answer or a a DAGW claim on the news, their confidence wanes.  Building a working understanding and having a solid set of answers for various questions can overcome that gap for some.  If these answers can be made easy to find and use, then we are on to something.   It is also important to have different paths for different levels of understanding, from novice non-scientific to more scientific and curious. 

The desire to simplify in our society, and take on positions that appear to be responsible but could easily be in error, affects the political thought process in most areas.  As the fire hose of information has grown so has the amount of misinformation, and it is easy to acquire a virus, even a theory virus like DAGW.  What makes climate the hardest nut for the public to crack is the amount of technical information to gather, make sense of, and then form an informed opinion or even a set of questions.  It just takes too much time and effort, and the inner workings of the DAGW elite know this.  Taking short cuts, the public can be lead to believe that mankind is affecting the environment in a very negative manner.  The concept of climate in the form of DAGW theories is conceivable and therefore until the impact of the GND or other DAGW policies becomes apparent, it all seems to be virtuous.  The mere fact that these policies do little to the earth’s climate but do affect society in a very destructive manner is often lost in the public's mind.

The opportunity is there to bridge gaps between the science and the public to as wide a political audience as possible.  To teach more to ask better questions and even to debate the DAGW mantra. This will take creative content creation that accelerates curiosity and learning, and employs the proper voice to be deemed suitable for non-skeptics.   It is also possible with good page flow on websites to not just teach to a high level the novice but also to arm the science with good information at a deep enough level to build skeptical voices.   Promoting information presentations and even training is a follow-on byproduct to what is being outlined here.   To achieve this goal the websites (not just one) have to promote path selection by the reader.  Done well this will increase the curiosity of the reader while also not turning them off due to politics creeping in and causing rejection.  This is however also a need for a site with the voice of confrontation especially on political topics.   This can react quickly to current events and items that need a rebuke, and become a reference for political leaders and journalists.  The alternative for these groups is to slug their way through several blogs, papers and even books, which is simply not going to happen.  This cost equation has not been recognized by the think tanks who have attempted to put up a solid front on skepticism on climate, only to in the end revert to economic arguments instead.   I would put forth that this is not a valid or workable strategy.  The lack of resistance to DAGW is the result.

If the skeptics can be challenged and sign up at a sufficient level to create the content described in this proposal, then the key becomes the message flow and optimization.    Using good management of commitment along with good outlining and page design.   With a series of energetic skeptics with the right mindset to inform, a serious amount of content can be achieved in a few months.  Do review the content, the team concepts and timeline to judge for yourself how this might work. A editing process and content quality managers are a key.  It is easy to argue a point and not find a way to engage and explain.  The voice needed to achieve this is a discipline and a skill that many will have to learn.

There is also the power of skeptics working in effective teams.   Teamwork can solicit effective commitment beyond the sum of many operating alone.   The time maybe right for such a distributed self-joining and organizing force that may surprise itself, given how pessimistic skeptics are in general.


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