A More Detailed Outline of the Content for Various Websites 

The outlines here are only starting points.  If a team working on a topic can with some suggested guidelines, generate a detailed outline on a topic, it feels as though the team is half way there.  The intent is also to draw more and more contributors to take on a small or large portion of the outline.   To have a quality product however a set of reviewers would provide some editing and assessment.

Educational, introductory (revised climateintro.com)

                Intro-videos in more 2nd voice (revise from what I have now)

                              Consensus, climate models, climate history, CO2 impact on earth, extreme weather, outline of the AGW/DAGW cases

                Basics of the science:  top 10 questions, three threads of tutorials to learn from

What is known and not known about the climate system

How the sun works, how the atmosphere functions and energy balance occurs

                A usable summary of climate history

                In summary of what kids are being taught in school.

Consequences of both policies:  an outline, infographic

                Outcomes:  viewer not so intimidated by press or others.  Capable of asking questions and finding answers


More in depth look at the pillars and predictions/claims.  Voice is in second and third voices (Revised climate illuminated)

Important dissection of the DAGW claims of overheating

 Climate and weather – the question and a line of reasoning to answer. 

  Interview of Willie:  10 videos on the complexity of the subjects.

What does control the climate, do we know?  Is it possible, probable, necessary?      

 This is the site that makes the various papers like those from W+C’s make sense.

 Alternative theory of M&R on how the atmosphere functions.

 More focus on CO2 and what it is known it does in the atmosphere.

 Outcomes:  capable of determining where there is a shaky claim, can ask questions that are probing, can also learn to make presentations and have an informed discussion.


Stronger voice (4th) in response to claims, predictions  (new website)

 Point by point counter arguments to the top current claims

Use the current videos from climateintro

          What kids are being taught and what they should be learning in critical thinking

Peer review and how well it is working

Why no debate, just demonizing?

Breakdown of the “worse than we thought” style and the lack of trends, etc.

 Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals and how they can be countered

 Outcomes:  can debate current events, judge media articles


Climate models  (new website)

1st and 2nd voice:  3 tracks, simple, approachable, scientific

 Base level physics:  5 equations

 Energy dynamics and what is approximated

 Breakdown of the models and how they function

List of the key assumptions they make

 Strengths and weaknesses of the models.   How CMIP6 changes things from CMIP5


Future energy and Renewables  (new website)

  Harder hitting as the primary voice.  Combination of voices 3 and 4.

Declarative as to how each energy source fits

         What are the future needs for energy and how supplied

Reliable vs occasional

Breakdown of solar and wind – economics, impact on environment, life span.

Case for nuclear

Future energy needs and how they can be filled


Pure science:  CERES-science

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