Temperature (contd.)

Slide 7 in this series. 


The graph below shows two temp curves depicting two datasets one for land and ocean, UAH6.   And the other for ocean, the HadCRUT3.   What is interesting is that the ocean is warmer than the land, which does not make sense as our common experience would tell us.  The oceans will generally be cooler than land for the simple reason that the ocean is a giant heat sink.  


slide 7 T

As one looks over the scale on the veritcal and the data comparison, it is altogether sensible to conclude from this comparison that either something about the ocean temp is off or that the measurements are not at all equal globally.  It is interesting as one considers how the ocean temperature is measured that this could easily be just a significant error in the ocean measurement.  We cannot say, but the questions on temperature keep multiplying.

NEXT:  The temperature adjustments need to be reviewed.


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