In summary, there is no “Greenhouse Effect” in the atmosphere, specifically because it is an open environment; thus there are no “Greenhouse Gases”; there is no further warming of the Earth’s surface by “back-radiation”, and heat is not “trapped” in the atmosphere due to IR-Active Gases. The insulating effect of the atmosphere is quite different.
However, it is still true that the Earth’s surface is warmer with an atmosphere than it would be without an atmosphere. But it is extremely critical to understand that the Sun is the only significant source of heat for the Earth. (For the above discussion, the very small amount of geo-thermal heat being contributed by the interior of the Earth, and absorbed heat as a result of the surface being warmed, have been excluded.)
The atmosphere has no energy source, and can only act passively as insulation, like the blankets (excluding electric blankets) on one’s bed. It cannot be considered to be actively warming the Earth. “Back-radiation” cannot increase surface temperature above that resulting from incident sunlight.
The temperature of the Earth’s surface is determined by the relative balance of energy incident from the Sun and the loss of energy ultimately to outer space. The vocabulary utilized by AGW alarmist websites is misused, which introduces confusion in understanding the reality.
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